Dog Toys And How To Choose The Right One For Your Dog
There are 2 types of toys available for dogs: Play Toys and Chew Toys.
It’s very important that we don’t mix these up as it can lead to future problems with motivating our dogs. No toys that you purchase should be small enough for your dog to swallow or get stuck in their throat, this can be life threatening.
Play Toys
These are toys that are meant to be interactive between dog and owner. They build motivation, drive control and are a great bonding source for us. We should never leave play toys with dogs. They are not designed for this and will inevitably be destroyed and possibly eaten which can be extremely dangerous.
A ball on a rope is a great play toy, as this can be moved very fast and help produce a high prey drive in your dog. Toys that squeak are also very good for this.
Chew Toys
These toys are designed to be left with your dog to keep them occupied when you cant give them attention. They are designed to be much tougher that play toys for this reason and should not be dangerous as long as you select the appropriate type for your breed. Antler chews are very good chew toys.